WA Diabetic Embraces Our Business Opportunity
"My name is Audrey Nettle and I am from Perth, Western Australia. I met Shirley Stewart who informed me about the New Image weight management programme. Shirley was very enthusiastic and she also discussed the opportunity of me becoming a Supervisor and earning some extra money as well.
I was very eager to start on the programme. I commenced on the 8th February 2010 signing up as a Supervisor.
I am a Diabetic and my sugar reading was 15.9 which is very high. I am not on medication so I was hoping that this programme would help get my sugar levels down,
After a couple of days on the programme my level dropped to 12.9 and kept going down. My level as at the 8 March 2010 is 5.9. I am so happy and now in the range I should be to keep my Diabetes under control. I am enjoying the programme and am walking for 30 minutes a day and I feel really good.
I weighed 87.9 Kilos when I commenced the programme and my weight is now 81.1 which is a loss of 6 kilos. My friends and family have noticed the weight I have lost and are commenting on how good I look. I am aiming to reach my goal weight of 65 kilos. I am sure I can accomplish this in a few months.
I look forward to helping the people of Perth shed those unwanted kilos and feel as good as I do".
40 Kilos Lighter In 7 Months
My Mum is five days away from heart surgery. She has been waiting a year for it and her ill health is what triggered me and initially motivated me to begin a journey that has seen me lose 40kg (that’s over 6 stone) to date, boost my self-esteem and regain good health.
I had heard about the programme from a friend, I saw her results, and was amazed. She told me to contact Sue from Vision Image in Bulls and talk to her about the programme. It was a meeting that was to change my life.
In 7 months I have reduced from size 22+ to size 14, and yes the wedding dress fits again! My cholesterol has dropped to within the normal range (the doctor is now happy). All joint pain has disappeared, I sleep soundly knowing I am healthier and I no longer snore (so my kids tell me!).
The little things in life are so great again. Getting up from a lounge suite doesn’t take three attempts anymore. Cleaning is easier (still hate doing it though); I can fit easily behind the wheel of a car. Life is so much more enjoyable without having to drag an extra 40kg around.
I used to hate shopping for clothes, but even that is now fabulous. My daughter thinks it’s great as she usually benefits as well. I so cherish the times she lies on my bed while I try things on.
The programme is so easy to follow. The food is what you eat everyday, it is very nutritional and there is plenty of it. Believe me you are never hungry. I eat real food, the same foods I used to eat, I just follow the programme.
Sue is extremely positive about the programme and the health benefits it provides. She really listens, provides answers to thousands of questions and keeps me on track. If I doubt myself she always gives me the boost that I need to ensure my continuing success. She makes it so easy to stay motivated and committed to reaching my goals. I tell her I couldn’t have done it without her, she tells me I am the one who did it.
If you want to make a positive change in your life, feel great and look healthy, please ring Sue. The initial phone call may be scary but the benefits are priceless.
Jo Whitehouse, School Teacher, Bulls
Colostrum Has Given Me A New Lease of Life
Having been introduced to various colostrum products namely Alpha Lipid Life Line powder, Omega Q10, Cellworks spray, Alpha Lipid Colostrum I have noticed a vast improvement in my standard of health. No longer do I suffer from side effects from my listed precription drugs, namely dizziness, slight vision distortion, sore joints, arthritic joints, muscle wastage, heart problems and a few more.Colostrum has given me a new lease of life especially the quality part no longer do I have those side effects, but am able to move more freely and whats most noticeably, there is a step in my gait short of jogging. As a listed Veteran of the Mururoa Nuclear testing in the pacific a number of problems have been experienced by Navy veterans and as a result of Alternative medicines that I am taking , the Veteran Affairs have a approved my monthly payment on purchase of Colostrum and associated alternative medicines.
If this testimonial can help other veterans then I truely endorse the colostrum products.
Henare R Hawe
Ex CPO(ew) (shd) Navy
Alpha Lipid Lifeline
Soon after starting on Alpha Lipid Lifeline, Frank and I found that we had a lot more energy. My weak, soft nails have hardened, and we have definitely built up an immunity to the flu bugs that get shared amongst our work colleagues. Any sign of a scratchy throat and out comes the Flunox and Immufort."
Jenny Kennedy
Irritable Bowel
My representative recommended that I try the Colostrum Drink. I thought “why not?”, and took two scoops. It was amazing! Within 24 hours I felt an improvement, and within a week, I felt so much better – now I can really life my life to the full, without having to worry about my health.
This makes Colostrum a miracle for me, and it’s so easy and pleasant to take.
Mal Hill, Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia
Vitality and Health
I was introduced to colostrum products by a friend and I was very impressed with what I learnt and on hearing about Colostrum Drink decided to try it. After two weeks I noticed a difference in my mother’s general health. Her appetite had improved, she was not so depressed and her pain levels had reduced considerably. But what was the most significant - she had no severe side effects to the high doses of antibiotics. I am quite sure this was because she was taking Colostrum Drink - her immune system and her gut were being protected.
Her specialist was amazed, and he asked what I had been doing for her. I told him about Colostrum Drink and he was very impressed. His farewell words were “keep her on it!”.
My brothers and my aunt are now all taking Colostrum Drink , my aunt for health problems and friends just for general wellness - all because of seeing my mother’s progress!
Lorraine Johnson, Napier, New Zealand
Age - Over 80
I don't feel like I am over 80! - My son George Chu introduced me to Colostrum Products in 1996.
I began taking Colostrum Drink , and my health has improved tremendously. My friends all noticed that I am much healthier and have said that I don’t look like an 82-year-old lady. The most important thing is that I don’t feel like I am over 80! I have been on high blood pressure and diabetes medication for many years. Recently, my Doctor gave me the good news that I no longer have to take my medication.
I think the the Colostrum Drink , along with regular exercise has returned my health to normal and that’s why I feel great. People say if old folks can eat, sleep and have no indigestion problems they can have a long life. I believe the Colostrum Drink has helped me in my health and I wouldn’t be surprised if other elderly people taking Colostrum Drink had a better quality of life and live longer too!
Chu Chai Mai Chu Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia
I began taking Colostrum Drink , and my health has improved tremendously. My friends all noticed that I am much healthier and have said that I don’t look like an 82-year-old lady. The most important thing is that I don’t feel like I am over 80! I have been on high blood pressure and diabetes medication for many years. Recently, my Doctor gave me the good news that I no longer have to take my medication.
I think the the Colostrum Drink , along with regular exercise has returned my health to normal and that’s why I feel great. People say if old folks can eat, sleep and have no indigestion problems they can have a long life. I believe the Colostrum Drink has helped me in my health and I wouldn’t be surprised if other elderly people taking Colostrum Drink had a better quality of life and live longer too!
Chu Chai Mai Chu Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia
Stomach Problems
For some months I had been having trouble with my stomach - it seemed to be ‘fermenting’ day and night - just like ginger beer popping and fizzing. I heard of a friend with a similar problem who went to his doctor and was given one little white tablet, and was cured.
I decided I could handle one little white tablet. When I went to the doctor he put me in hospital for tests instead - four days without food - and tests and examinations in all parts of the body - not recommended! They found nothing. So they sent me home with no instructions as to what to eat, what not to, etc.
Within three days I was as bad again. I decided I’d give the Colostrum Drink a try as my wife suggested. Within three or four days of taking the Colostrum Drink my whole system had been restored to normal. I continued on with the whole course and have never looked back. I feel better now than I have for years!
Wayne Hermansen, Norsewood, New Zealand
I decided I could handle one little white tablet. When I went to the doctor he put me in hospital for tests instead - four days without food - and tests and examinations in all parts of the body - not recommended! They found nothing. So they sent me home with no instructions as to what to eat, what not to, etc.
Within three days I was as bad again. I decided I’d give the Colostrum Drink a try as my wife suggested. Within three or four days of taking the Colostrum Drink my whole system had been restored to normal. I continued on with the whole course and have never looked back. I feel better now than I have for years!
Wayne Hermansen, Norsewood, New Zealand
My father introduced me to Colostrum in May 2003, a few days before I went to Romania. He told me to take it so I wouldn't get sick. I thought to myself, I've got nothing to lose by doing so and I began to take my Colostrum on the plane and then 2 capsules every morning for the next 4 months. I didn’t suffer any jetlag, nor did I suffer any colds. I was full of energy and walked up to 4 hours a day.
On my first trip to Romania 2 years ago, I got hit with jetlag, colds and the most severe headaches I’d ever had. I am prone to bad headaches at the best of times, yet these were 10 times worse than normal. I put it down to the heat and stress. On my recent trip the temperatures were just as hot and although there was still stress, I didn't have one single 'killer' headache.
When I returned home and people asked me about my headaches, I began to wonder why I never had any this time. After much thought I realized that the only difference was that I had been taking Colostrum. Being back home and still take Colostrum, I am happy to say I am still headache free. I am no longer prone to 'killer' headaches that's to Colostrum.
Tammy Andrew, Auckland
On my first trip to Romania 2 years ago, I got hit with jetlag, colds and the most severe headaches I’d ever had. I am prone to bad headaches at the best of times, yet these were 10 times worse than normal. I put it down to the heat and stress. On my recent trip the temperatures were just as hot and although there was still stress, I didn't have one single 'killer' headache.
When I returned home and people asked me about my headaches, I began to wonder why I never had any this time. After much thought I realized that the only difference was that I had been taking Colostrum. Being back home and still take Colostrum, I am happy to say I am still headache free. I am no longer prone to 'killer' headaches that's to Colostrum.
Tammy Andrew, Auckland
Athletic Performance
I have two high performance athletic grandchildren, a young man aged 18, who is a trainee pilot and works out at the gym at least five days per week. My granddaughter, who is nearly nine, plays touch rugby, squash, and participants in North Island and New Zealand championships, for athletics, harriers and swimming in the under 10 and under 11 age group championships.
Every day of the week my granddaughter is participating in some form of sport (including most Saturdays and Sundays). A high performance athlete pushes themselves to the edge in all performances. This makes them more prone to injury; they seem to pick up colds easier and is prone to stomach bugs from swimming pools. However using Colostrum Drink and chewable colostrum tablets, has reduced the impact of the negative effects of participating in sport as such a high level.
The maximum benefits from using these two products can be obtained, when taken on a regular daily basis and just prior to the beginning of each race or event. Since my grandchildren started using these products, I have seen a dramatic transformation in energy and fitness levels. In high performance sport it is understandable that they must have the best nutritional supplementation that is available. It is not always easy to get a nine year old to eat the amount of food required fro what is a continuous regime of sport fro a person of this age. There are fewer incidences of colds, flu and general illness. When this does occur, they appear to recover more quickly.
Nutritional supplementation is a vital to anyone who wants to participant in sport, even at a level, to maintain general fitness and health. Colostrum products certainly assist to do this.
Sharron Marton, Auckland. New Zealand
Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue, the tissue that lines the inside of a woman’s uterus, grows outside the uterus and attaches to other organs in the abdominal cavity such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Every 28 days, when the woman has her menstrual period, this tissue also sheds and bleeds – causing sever pain, discomfort and even infertility.
I had endometriosis for five long years. It was agonising and excruciating. I spend two weeks of every month gripping and clawing friends, family or furniture; whoever and whatever happened to be around when the pain took over. There were times when I wanted to kill myself just to escape it.
In march 2002, I started buying Colostrum in the hope that it would help my partner (who suffers from severe depression) and my son, who has Autism. They started taking Colostrum, and I took the products as well. Within three weeks, I noticed that I had huge amounts of energy – and the pains that normally arrived a week before my menstrual period had not come. When it did arrive it was very heavy, and the pain was dreadful – but only during the actual period. The second month was the same, but there was absolutely no pain before or after. The third month, it arrived without any pain! I still felt uncomfortable, but the server cramps had gone. By the fourth month my period arrived and departed without a single niggle or inkling of pain. I was in awe. The freedom was overwhelming. Consequently, my daughter was diagnosed with Endometriosis and she began on Colostrum. Her story of events is almost the same. The irony of this story is that I began buying Colostrum to help my partner and my son. I had not given a single thought to myself. Today I still take Colostrum and I still am free of pain.
Painlessly yours, Mairi Wharehoka
I was diagnosed as having Blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelids. Other areas on my face became red, itchy and swollen. I applied a topical steroid cream, which didn’t bring any relief. With Colostrum, my skin problem has completely cleared up! “I got a bad cold, which always goes into a serious sinus and bronchial infection requiring antibiotics. I started taking Colostrum – ½ tsp. 3 times a day. I was over my cold on the third day!
P. Newson, Salt Lake City, UT.
I have had many problems with bloating and indigestion and so many types of foods I could not eat. Now I just don’t have the same problems. Now I can eat anything I darn well please. I’ve also noticed that the flu bug that everyone is getting seems to be passing me by.
R. Wright, West Valley City, UT
Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and the neurologist who diagnosed this suggested I begin taking cortisone. Well, being the careful person that I am, I began to do research about this drug. Upon finding information that indicated severe side effects and possible long-term damage to some major organs, I declined.
So, 3 years later, I came upon alternative healing i.e. herbs, vitamins etc. Even with this, I still had the major battle of locating a natural product to assist with my autoimmune disease. I came across an article on colostrum and decided, after much research, to try it. That was about 3 years ago and, thanks to Colostrum, my immune system is stronger than it ever was, even before my diagnosis of MS. I have also recommended Colostrum to a couple of friends who also have MS, and their stories are just as mine – success!! It has also helped my skin condition – eczema.
J. Russell, Green Bay, WI
Thank you very much for getting your team involved to help out with my meningitis. I understand that my parents Margaret and Gordon Newton contacted you. I was in Auckland at the time and ended up in hospital so was in good hands. All the Doctors prescribed in the end was bed rest and panadol to relieve the headache. I have been taking the colostrum both in the spray form and the powder form. I am pleased to say that I have nearly fully recovered with just some tiredness at the end of the day now. I am still taking the new image products that you organised to be sent to me as we are off to Melbourne next week to watch the tennis so want to be in good form for that. Thanks again for your prompt advise and help.
Happy New Year.
Regards Paul Newton, Registered Surveyor
A month ago I made a phonecall to New Image. Merlyn was the one in the office at the time. Thank you Merlyn for being there. You were just great in keeping me informed as to what the situation was regarding people on holiday at the time. The response to my request for information re colostrom for Paul was fantastic. The world is a very small place these days for communication!! Gordon and I thank you all so very much for the help you provided and the information you gave us. I know Paul has been in touch with you, but I also wanted to say thanks for the quick response getting the necessary products to Paul. He has said he is feeling a great deal better by now, of which we are all very grateful. Kindest regards to you all.
Every day of the week my granddaughter is participating in some form of sport (including most Saturdays and Sundays). A high performance athlete pushes themselves to the edge in all performances. This makes them more prone to injury; they seem to pick up colds easier and is prone to stomach bugs from swimming pools. However using Colostrum Drink and chewable colostrum tablets, has reduced the impact of the negative effects of participating in sport as such a high level.
The maximum benefits from using these two products can be obtained, when taken on a regular daily basis and just prior to the beginning of each race or event. Since my grandchildren started using these products, I have seen a dramatic transformation in energy and fitness levels. In high performance sport it is understandable that they must have the best nutritional supplementation that is available. It is not always easy to get a nine year old to eat the amount of food required fro what is a continuous regime of sport fro a person of this age. There are fewer incidences of colds, flu and general illness. When this does occur, they appear to recover more quickly.
Nutritional supplementation is a vital to anyone who wants to participant in sport, even at a level, to maintain general fitness and health. Colostrum products certainly assist to do this.
Sharron Marton, Auckland. New Zealand
I had endometriosis for five long years. It was agonising and excruciating. I spend two weeks of every month gripping and clawing friends, family or furniture; whoever and whatever happened to be around when the pain took over. There were times when I wanted to kill myself just to escape it.
In march 2002, I started buying Colostrum in the hope that it would help my partner (who suffers from severe depression) and my son, who has Autism. They started taking Colostrum, and I took the products as well. Within three weeks, I noticed that I had huge amounts of energy – and the pains that normally arrived a week before my menstrual period had not come. When it did arrive it was very heavy, and the pain was dreadful – but only during the actual period. The second month was the same, but there was absolutely no pain before or after. The third month, it arrived without any pain! I still felt uncomfortable, but the server cramps had gone. By the fourth month my period arrived and departed without a single niggle or inkling of pain. I was in awe. The freedom was overwhelming. Consequently, my daughter was diagnosed with Endometriosis and she began on Colostrum. Her story of events is almost the same. The irony of this story is that I began buying Colostrum to help my partner and my son. I had not given a single thought to myself. Today I still take Colostrum and I still am free of pain.
Painlessly yours, Mairi Wharehoka
I was diagnosed as having Blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelids. Other areas on my face became red, itchy and swollen. I applied a topical steroid cream, which didn’t bring any relief. With Colostrum, my skin problem has completely cleared up! “I got a bad cold, which always goes into a serious sinus and bronchial infection requiring antibiotics. I started taking Colostrum – ½ tsp. 3 times a day. I was over my cold on the third day!
P. Newson, Salt Lake City, UT.
Digestive Problems
I have had many problems with bloating and indigestion and so many types of foods I could not eat. Now I just don’t have the same problems. Now I can eat anything I darn well please. I’ve also noticed that the flu bug that everyone is getting seems to be passing me by.
R. Wright, West Valley City, UT
Multiple Sclerosis
Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and the neurologist who diagnosed this suggested I begin taking cortisone. Well, being the careful person that I am, I began to do research about this drug. Upon finding information that indicated severe side effects and possible long-term damage to some major organs, I declined.
So, 3 years later, I came upon alternative healing i.e. herbs, vitamins etc. Even with this, I still had the major battle of locating a natural product to assist with my autoimmune disease. I came across an article on colostrum and decided, after much research, to try it. That was about 3 years ago and, thanks to Colostrum, my immune system is stronger than it ever was, even before my diagnosis of MS. I have also recommended Colostrum to a couple of friends who also have MS, and their stories are just as mine – success!! It has also helped my skin condition – eczema.
J. Russell, Green Bay, WI
Meningitis Infection
Thank you very much for getting your team involved to help out with my meningitis. I understand that my parents Margaret and Gordon Newton contacted you. I was in Auckland at the time and ended up in hospital so was in good hands. All the Doctors prescribed in the end was bed rest and panadol to relieve the headache. I have been taking the colostrum both in the spray form and the powder form. I am pleased to say that I have nearly fully recovered with just some tiredness at the end of the day now. I am still taking the new image products that you organised to be sent to me as we are off to Melbourne next week to watch the tennis so want to be in good form for that. Thanks again for your prompt advise and help.
Happy New Year.
Regards Paul Newton, Registered Surveyor
A month ago I made a phonecall to New Image. Merlyn was the one in the office at the time. Thank you Merlyn for being there. You were just great in keeping me informed as to what the situation was regarding people on holiday at the time. The response to my request for information re colostrom for Paul was fantastic. The world is a very small place these days for communication!! Gordon and I thank you all so very much for the help you provided and the information you gave us. I know Paul has been in touch with you, but I also wanted to say thanks for the quick response getting the necessary products to Paul. He has said he is feeling a great deal better by now, of which we are all very grateful. Kindest regards to you all.
Margaret and Gordon Newton
Back on top with Colostrum Drink
My life was extremely busy as I was working full time, running a home and raising two kids (aged eight and two), when I started to develop severe mouth and throat ulcers. I had a week off work, but I couldn’t even eat because my throat was so painful - even drinking was agony!
After a few weeks, I went to hospital, but the doctors could not help me. I resigned from work as I thought it might help me to heal. My doctor gave me all kinds of different treatments, but nothing could really cure me. I had one of the worst cases of Crohn’s disease they had ever seen.
My aunt Julie recommended that I try Colostrum. I decided that I would, although I was unsure if it would work. I went onto the Colostrum Drink, and after about three days I started to feel really good. My pain had gone, and I felt emotionally more normal. In fact, I actually felt better than before I got the Crohn’s!
I kept on taking the Colostrum Drink , and every month I visited the specialists, they were incredulous. On my first visit they were amazed and couldn’t believe their eyes: my case had been so acute, they didn’t expect me to even begin healing for months, but here I was after four weeks, and the inflammation had completely gone. After just a month of normal results, I stopped taking the steroid tablets (prescribed to help the inflammation), which they had expected me to take perhaps for the rest of my life. Nothing flared back up.
Now every day I take two scoops of the Colostrum Drink in a milkshake. I feel great!
Carolyn Dudley-Smith, New Zealand
I had heard about the programme from a friend, I saw her results, and was amazed. She told me to contact Sue from Vision Image in Bulls and talk to her about the programme. It was a meeting that was to change my life.
In 7 months I have reduced from size 22+ to size 14, and yes the wedding dress fits again! My cholesterol has dropped to within the normal range (the doctor is now happy). All joint pain has disappeared, I sleep soundly knowing I am healthier and I no longer snore (so my kids tell me!).
The little things in life are so great again. Getting up from a lounge suite doesn’t take three attempts anymore. Cleaning is easier (still hate doing it though); I can fit easily behind the wheel of a car. Life is so much more enjoyable without having to drag an extra 40kg around.
I used to hate shopping for clothes, but even that is now fabulous. My daughter thinks it’s great as she usually benefits as well. I so cherish the times she lies on my bed while I try things on.
The programme is so easy to follow. The food is what you eat everyday, it is very nutritional and there is plenty of it. Believe me you are never hungry. I eat real food, the same foods I used to eat, I just follow the programme.
Sue is extremely positive about the programme and the health benefits it provides. She really listens, provides answers to thousands of questions and keeps me on track. If I doubt myself she always gives me the boost that I need to ensure my continuing success. She makes it so easy to stay motivated and committed to reaching my goals. I tell her I couldn’t have done it without her, she tells me I am the one who did it.
If you want to make a positive change in your life, feel great and look healthy, please ring Sue. The initial phone call may be scary but the benefits are priceless.
Jo Whitehouse, School Teacher, Bulls
Click the links to read the testimonials.
International Snooker Champion reduces his Parkinson's tremors
by 30% using Alpha Lipid Colostrum
(added 11 April 2010)
How Ian Got His Life Back
(added 15 February 2010)
Lauren's MS testimonial(added 28 January 2010)
Janelle is recovering from 'Inclusion Body Myopathy' a disease that paralises your body.(added 25 January 2010)
Michelle from New Zealand throws out her wheelchair after having suffered from Ms for many years.
Amanda from Wagga Wagga walks again after 12 years of MS.
RSI, Tendonitis and Fibromayalgia pains have gone.
My pains first started in July of 2005, whilst working in Housekeeping at a Gold Coast resort. It started as RSI (repetitive strain injury) from making beds, cleaning showers/bathrooms and dusting all day long. I informed my supervisor of this pain I was feeling and they sent me straight to the doctor.
New life in the old dog yet"I have been purchasing Alpha Lipid Lifeline for my 12 year old German Shepherd since February this year. I have to say it has given him a new lease of life! He’s like a playful 6 year old again, more attentive and active. I give him one scoop a day. I’ve recommended it to my other dog friends too." Veronica V, Baulkham Hills, Sydney.
I have my energy back!
2. My energy is fantastic, like I couldn't do a thing before this Colostem kicked in, but now I am looking for things to do. My husband is shellshocked, he hasn't seen me like this for years and years. 8 to be exact...
3. A year ago I got my blood test results from my Doctor. It was all bad news. Higher than usual blood pressure, cholesterol, and the thyroid and renal results weren’t looking great
Crohns Disease
4. Back on top with Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink My life was extremely busy as I was working full time, running a home and raising two kids (aged eight and two), when I started to develop severe mouth and throat ulcers.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
5. 54 years with irritable bowel - one week with Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink
Vitality and Health
6. Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink for vitality and healthIn June of last year my mother underwent hip replacement surgery and during the operation the hip became infected with staph Aureus.
Age over 80
7. I don't feel like I am over 80! - My son George Chu introduced me to Symbiotics Products in 1996. I began taking Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink, and my health has improved tremendously.
Stomach Problems
8. Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink restored my system.
9. My father introduced me to Symbiotics Colostrum in May 2003, a few days before I went to Romania.He told me to take it so I wouldn't get sick.
Athletic Performance
10. Peak athletic performance from Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink and Symbiotics Colostrum Chewable Tablets.
11. Symbiotics Colostrum brings relief from endometriosis
12. I was diagnosed as having Blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelids. Other areas on my face became red, itchy and swollen.
Digestive Problems
13. As of today, I have consumed one bottle of Symbiotics Colostrum. My stomach/intestinal tract has never felt better.
Multiple Sclerosis
14. Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and the neurologist who diagnosed this suggested I begin taking cortisone.
My life was extremely busy as I was working full time, running a home and raising two kids (aged eight and two), when I started to develop severe mouth and throat ulcers. I had a week off work, but I couldn’t even eat because my throat was so painful - even drinking was agony!
After a few weeks, I went to hospital, but the doctors could not help me. I resigned from work as I thought it might help me to heal. My doctor gave me all kinds of different treatments, but nothing could really cure me. I had one of the worst cases of Crohn’s disease they had ever seen.
My aunt Julie recommended that I try Colostrum. I decided that I would, although I was unsure if it would work. I went onto the Colostrum Drink, and after about three days I started to feel really good. My pain had gone, and I felt emotionally more normal. In fact, I actually felt better than before I got the Crohn’s!
I kept on taking the Colostrum Drink , and every month I visited the specialists, they were incredulous. On my first visit they were amazed and couldn’t believe their eyes: my case had been so acute, they didn’t expect me to even begin healing for months, but here I was after four weeks, and the inflammation had completely gone. After just a month of normal results, I stopped taking the steroid tablets (prescribed to help the inflammation), which they had expected me to take perhaps for the rest of my life. Nothing flared back up.
Now every day I take two scoops of the Colostrum Drink in a milkshake. I feel great!
Carolyn Dudley-Smith, New Zealand
Weight Loss
In 7 months I have reduced from size 22+ to size 14, and yes the wedding dress fits again! My cholesterol has dropped to within the normal range (the doctor is now happy). All joint pain has disappeared, I sleep soundly knowing I am healthier and I no longer snore (so my kids tell me!).
The little things in life are so great again. Getting up from a lounge suite doesn’t take three attempts anymore. Cleaning is easier (still hate doing it though); I can fit easily behind the wheel of a car. Life is so much more enjoyable without having to drag an extra 40kg around.
I used to hate shopping for clothes, but even that is now fabulous. My daughter thinks it’s great as she usually benefits as well. I so cherish the times she lies on my bed while I try things on.
The programme is so easy to follow. The food is what you eat everyday, it is very nutritional and there is plenty of it. Believe me you are never hungry. I eat real food, the same foods I used to eat, I just follow the programme.
Sue is extremely positive about the programme and the health benefits it provides. She really listens, provides answers to thousands of questions and keeps me on track. If I doubt myself she always gives me the boost that I need to ensure my continuing success. She makes it so easy to stay motivated and committed to reaching my goals. I tell her I couldn’t have done it without her, she tells me I am the one who did it.
If you want to make a positive change in your life, feel great and look healthy, please ring Sue. The initial phone call may be scary but the benefits are priceless.
Jo Whitehouse, School Teacher, Bulls
Click the links to read the testimonials.
International Snooker Champion reduces his Parkinson's tremors
by 30% using Alpha Lipid Colostrum
(added 11 April 2010)
Russell Miller's report from his visit to the Xcell Center in Germany(The Xcell Centre performs Adult Stem Cell transplants)(added 23 February 2010) |
(added 15 February 2010)
Lauren's MS testimonial(added 28 January 2010)
Janelle is recovering from 'Inclusion Body Myopathy' a disease that paralises your body.(added 25 January 2010)
Michelle from New Zealand throws out her wheelchair after having suffered from Ms for many years.
Amanda from Wagga Wagga walks again after 12 years of MS.
RSI, Tendonitis and Fibromayalgia pains have gone.
My pains first started in July of 2005, whilst working in Housekeeping at a Gold Coast resort. It started as RSI (repetitive strain injury) from making beds, cleaning showers/bathrooms and dusting all day long. I informed my supervisor of this pain I was feeling and they sent me straight to the doctor.
New life in the old dog yet"I have been purchasing Alpha Lipid Lifeline for my 12 year old German Shepherd since February this year. I have to say it has given him a new lease of life! He’s like a playful 6 year old again, more attentive and active. I give him one scoop a day. I’ve recommended it to my other dog friends too." Veronica V, Baulkham Hills, Sydney.
I have my energy back!
2. My energy is fantastic, like I couldn't do a thing before this Colostem kicked in, but now I am looking for things to do. My husband is shellshocked, he hasn't seen me like this for years and years. 8 to be exact...
3. A year ago I got my blood test results from my Doctor. It was all bad news. Higher than usual blood pressure, cholesterol, and the thyroid and renal results weren’t looking great
Crohns Disease
4. Back on top with Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink My life was extremely busy as I was working full time, running a home and raising two kids (aged eight and two), when I started to develop severe mouth and throat ulcers.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
5. 54 years with irritable bowel - one week with Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink
Vitality and Health
6. Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink for vitality and healthIn June of last year my mother underwent hip replacement surgery and during the operation the hip became infected with staph Aureus.
Age over 80
7. I don't feel like I am over 80! - My son George Chu introduced me to Symbiotics Products in 1996. I began taking Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink, and my health has improved tremendously.
Stomach Problems
8. Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink restored my system.
9. My father introduced me to Symbiotics Colostrum in May 2003, a few days before I went to Romania.He told me to take it so I wouldn't get sick.
Athletic Performance
10. Peak athletic performance from Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Drink and Symbiotics Colostrum Chewable Tablets.
11. Symbiotics Colostrum brings relief from endometriosis
12. I was diagnosed as having Blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelids. Other areas on my face became red, itchy and swollen.
Digestive Problems
13. As of today, I have consumed one bottle of Symbiotics Colostrum. My stomach/intestinal tract has never felt better.
Multiple Sclerosis
14. Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and the neurologist who diagnosed this suggested I begin taking cortisone.